
Showing posts from February, 2019

Week #5, Colour and painting

Color plays an important role when trying to express emotions in artwork such as a painting. This is because we tend to match certain colors to certain emotions even though emotions are not visual and don't have colors. For example if you were to pick a color to express happiness what would it be? Probably yellow. If you were trying to make a peaceful and calming painting would you use vibrant colors and Lots of red. Probably not.                  So, I researched and learned how different Colors can mean different emotions:                                                               Colors and emotions Black. Black is the color of mystery, but it also symbolizes the darkest feelings: grief, despair, and sorrow. Just as black can't get any darker, these feelings can't get any de...

Week #5

Hello to all the painters out there! Thankyou for visiting my blog! For week #5, I'm going to learn how to express our emotions through painting! I have found that colour plays an important role when trying to express your Emotions in your artwork. Although our emotions are exactly visual and don't have colours, we can still associate certain colours with certain feelings. In my next blog post for week #5 I will talk about colours and how they can help us express emotions. Also how we can interpret these colours in a painting. Stay tuned!

Week #4, Drawing

For week 4, I practiced drawing human emotions. This was a challenge for me as drawing human emotions has always been something I struggle with. Often, I end up just drawing a plain emotionless face. So, to challenge myself and practice, I participated in the Drawing "expressions challenge" and conducted an experiment to see if listening to music helped me express my emotions on paper better. In the past couple days, I definitely improved my drawing skills! Here's how, This photo is the "drawing expressions challenge" that I participated in. The rules are simple, All you have to do is choose an emotion to draw and attempt to draw it in your own style. I chose four emotions, including, A3, B2, C3 and D1.     This was my attempt at the drawing expressions challenge... This challenge really helped me improve draw emotions. It challenged me and helped me explore new and better ways to draw emotions. I also conducted a little experiment to see if listen...

Week #4

Hello artists! This week, I'm going to study and practice drawing emotions. To practice, I'm going to participate in the "Drawing expressions challenge" and try and express emotions in creative ways. I will also conduct an experiment by seeing if listening to music can help me express emotions better in my drawings. I have only 2 days to complete this, which will be a major challenge as Drawing emotions has always been something I struggle with in my artwork.  Stay tuned for my drawing post on Sunday Night!

Week #3, Music

Something about music has seemed to always affect our moods and emotions. Music can make us feel happy, sad, calm, or inspired. It can reduce anxiety, sadness and pain. It can make us dance and sing, Music can bring back old memories and find a special place in our hearts. But the question is, How? What about music makes us feel these emotions? How can something we just listen too change us so easily? how does music make us so happy? There are many reasons why music affects our emotions, and a lot of it has to do with our brains. We often feel emotions come from our heart, but a huge part of our emotional stimulus comes from from the brain. Research indicates that music stimulates emotions through specific brain circuits. When you are listening to music that makes you feel happy, and joyful it increase the amount of  dopamine in your brain, which is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brains pleasure centre, in other words, it is a chemical that makes us feel happy. ...

Week #3

Music can affect our emotions in many different ways. In Week #3, I'm going to research why and how music can affect our moods and emotions.  The research for this week has been more difficult than the other weeks, as I am learning about what makes us feel these emotions rather than how to express them. This will be the last week until I start to experiment and test my skills in drawing, painting and photography. I hope to also use music in these experiemnents as well. Stay tuned!